Navigation: Requisitions and Approvals > Purchase Requisitions Purchase Requisition Work Area |
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REQUISITIONS AND APPROVAL > Purchase Requisition> Purchase Requisition Work Area
Your Purchase Requisition Work Area is where you can work on unprocessed Purchase Requisitions.
Requisitions will remain in your work area until they are processed. Until then, you can add, modify and delete requisitions without affecting other areas of the system. Your work area contains your "work in progress".
When new requisitions are processed, they will be sent for on-line approval before being converted into POs or RFQs.
For general information on the use of Work Areas in SpendMap, see Document Work Areas.
In addition to entering Reqs into your Work Area (i.e. from scratch), Reqs can be built from other sources, including: •Inventory items that have fallen below their re-order level, via the Staging Batch. •Awarded RFQs (from Request for Quotation Module). •Item requirements imported from another system (via the Staging Batch). In your Work Area, you can also copy: •A Req already in your Work Area. •A processed PO. |
Settings that affect your Purchase Requisition Work Area can be found in Requisition Entry Options and User Defined Field Settings. |
Various utilities related to your Purchase Requisition Work Area can be found in the Purchase Requisitions section of the Main Menu, including utilities to create requisition templates, transfer reqs to other users, process requisitions, etc. |
Purchase Requisition Work Area Summary Screen
This screen lists one line for each page in your Requisition Work Area.
You can add new Requisitions using the various buttons at the bottom of the screen or Requisitions may have already been built for you automatically from other sources. See Other ways to create Purchase Requisitions, above, for more details.
TIP: If you know the supplier that you want to order from, use [Add] to create a new Requisition and go to the Requisition Header Screen where you can select a supplier for the order. If you know the item that you want to order but don't know which supplier to use, try the [Item] button instead. For more details, see the Help for the respective buttons, below.
The Status Column indicates the status of each Requisition. Only Requisitions with a status of "OK" can be processed.
"VALIDATE" indicates that the Requisition was created/built from another source rather than being keyed directly into your Requisition Work Area, and did not pass validation (i.e. is missing mandatory information or otherwise failed to pass a business rule). To validate a Requisition, modify the Requisition and click [OK] on the Purchase Requisition Header Screen... you will be pointed to the field(s) in question. In some cases, individual line items may also require validation. “NEW” indicates that the Requisition was created/built from another source and you have not assigned a Requisition number yet. You can either manually assign Requisition numbers to new Requisitions on the Purchase Requisition Header Screen or Requisition numbers can be assigned automatically. For details on auto-assigning Requisition numbers when Requisitions are built from other sources, see the Auto Document Creation field in the [SETTINGS] folder of the User Master File. |
Page Column indicates the number of forced page breaks in the Requisition, not the number of pages that will be included when/if the Requisition is printed. A Requisition in the list may show only one “page” but may take up more than one printed page if, for example, there are too many line items to fit on a single printed page. You may want to force a page break when creating a Requisition with multiple Ship-to addresses (i.e. a separate page for each Ship-to) or simply to make reading the Requisition easier (e.g. special instructions on a separate page, etc.). To force a page break, use the [PAGE BREAK] button. |
Button |
Description |
[DONE] |
•Exit your Work Area and return to the Main Menu. You will get a pop-up option to process your new Requisitions or you can leave them in your Work Area to be processed later. |
[ADD] |
•Add a new Requisition and go to a blank Purchase Requisition Header Screen. This would typically be used if you know the supplier that you want to order from (the supplier and related information must be completed on the Header Screen before selecting items for the order). TIP: To start by selecting an item to order (e.g. if you don't know the supplier of the item), try the [Item] button instead. |
•Modify the selected Requisition. Alternatively, double-click on the line. This takes you to the Purchase Requisition Header Screen. |
•Delete the selected Requisition or Requisition page. |
[COPY] |
•Create a new Requisition by copying the selected/highlighted Requisition on this screen, a processed PO, an archived PO or a Requisition Template. Once the Requisition is copied, it can be modified as required prior to processing. •After selecting a document to copy, you will see the Line Item Defaulting screen, which can be used to default/override certain fields for ALL existing line items on the resulting new Requisition, rather than modifying each line individually. Just fill in the fields that you would like to change on all line items on the new Requisition or leave any fields blank to not change those fields on the new Req. |
•Force a page break (i.e. add a new page to the selected Requisition). For details, see About the Page Column above. |
[HOLD] |
•Prevent the selected Requisition from being processed. |
•Modify the shared (i.e. "multi-line") split charge details for all applicable line items on the selected Requisition page. |
[ITEM] |
•Create a new Requisition, starting with an Item Code. You will be prompted to select one of the suppliers defined for the item, or you can select a different supplier if you like. •Use this if you know the item that you want to order, but not who supplies it. •Once you select the item and supplier, you will be brought to the Line Items Details Screen where you can complete the remaining item details (e.g. quantity, account coding, etc.). •If there is already a Requisition in your Work Area for the selected supplier, the item will be added to that existing Requisition, otherwise a new Requisition will be created for you. |
•Preview the selected Requisition in its printed format. |
Purchase Requisition Header Screen
Depending on your internal policies and how the system has been configured, many fields on the Requisition Header may be optional and may be completed later in the procurement process (e.g. by Buyers when Purchase Orders or other documents are created from the requisition).
The "header" fields at the top of this screen apply to all line items listed at the bottom of the screen. However, some fields (e.g. Ship-To) can be different for each page of the Requisition. To create a new page, use the [PAGE BREAK] button on the Requisition Work Area Summary Screen.
You must complete the Supplier and Requisition Number fields before adding items to the Requisition.
To view the address details of a supplier, bill-to or ship-to code, click on the applicable field. The “address” hyperlink next to the fields will change from black to blue text to indicate which address is being displayed.
In some cases, you may not be able to access certain fields, such as when working on multiple-page Requisitions.
"VALIDATE" indicates that the Requisition was created/built from another source rather than being keyed directly into your Requisition Work Area and the line item did not pass validation (i.e. is missing mandatory information or otherwise failed to pass a business rule). To validate a line item, modify the line and click [OK] on the Line Item Details will be pointed to the field(s) in question. |
Requisitions can include up to 99 line items on each “data entry page”. When printing/processing Requisitions, SpendMap will automatically paginate based on the amount of space available on your printed Requisition form. That is, a “data entry” page may contain more line items that can fit on a “printed” page if, for example, you include lengthy descriptions for items. To add a new data entry page to the Requisition, use the [PAGE BREAK] button on the Requisition Work Area Summary Screen. |
If the applicable setting is enabled in Misc. Approval Rules and Settings, you can manually select approvers for new requisitions. If so, you will be prompted to select one or more approvers when you click the [DONE] button. Any approvers that you select manually will be added to the approval levels that are assigned by the system automatically based on the business rules, if any exist. That is, your requisition may actually require approval from more people than you select here. |
Field |
Description |
Requisition Number Set and Requisition Number |
•Select a Requisition Number Set and/or enter a Requisition number, if applicable.
•Based on the configuration of the Requisition Number Set that you select, the next available Requisition number in that Set may be assigned to the Requisition or you may be able to manually type the Requisition number. •The Requisition Number Set field defaults for you and may be locked/restricted based on the settings in your user profile. •Also, for Requisitions that are built from other sources, the Requisition number may already be assigned so that the order is ready to process, again, based on the settings in your user profile. |
Date |
•The Requisition Date defaults to the current date but can be changed if needed. |
Supplier |
•Enter a supplier code or enter <*> (an asterisk) to use a one-off supplier. •Use the “address” hyperlink to update the supplier’s address manually. More...
Bill-To |
•Enter a bill-to code or enter <*> (an asterisk) to use a one-off bill-to. •Use the “address” hyperlink to update the bill-to address manually. More...
Ship-to |
•Enter a ship-to code or enter <*> (an asterisk) to use a one-off ship-to. •Use the “address” hyperlink to update the ship-to address manually. More...
Terms of Payment |
•The Terms of Payment describe the conditions of payment for the order and typically specify the period allowed for you to pay the amount due. The Terms of Payment are also used to calculate payment dates and early payment discounts when approving invoices with the Invoice Approval Module. •The field will default based on the selected supplier but can be changed as required. |
•The FOB point defines who is responsible for payment of shipping costs and where the title of the goods passes to you. •The field will default based on the selected supplier but can be changed as required. |
Delivery Note |
•Defines how shipments from the supplier are to be delivered. For example, "Pick-Up", "Federal Express Overnight", or "your truck". •The field will default based on the selected supplier but can be changed as required.
Comment #1 and #2 |
•Comment #1: Enter a Comment for the Requisition, which may appear on the Requisition form and can be used to filter many Requisition related reports. The field will default based on the selected supplier but can be changed as required. •Comment #2: Enter a second comment, if required, for the Requisition form only.
Confirmation Only |
•If checked (
Button |
Description |
[OK] |
•Save changes to the Requisition. |
•Exit without saving your changes. Depending on the changes that you have made to individual line items, this option may not be available (i.e. you may have to save the changes). |
[ADD] |
•Add a new line item to the bottom of the list. This will take you to a blank Requisition Line Item Details Screen. •You must complete the Supplier and Requisition Number fields before adding items to the Requisition. |
•Modify the selected line item. Alternatively, double-click on the line. This will take you to the Requisition Line Item Details Screen. |
•Delete the selected line item. |
•Insert a new line above the currently selected line item. |
•Copy or cut the selected line item.
•Used to default/override certain fields for ALL existing line items on the Req, rather than modifying each line individually. •On the Line Item Defaulting screen that is displayed, fill in the fields that you would like to change on all line items on the Req. Leave any fields blank to not override/change those fields. |
•PunchOut (connect) to the supplier's website to select items for the Requisition. •If you have not yet selected a supplier for the Requisition, a list of PunchOut-enabled suppliers will be displayed for you to select from. |
•Preview a Requisition in your printed format. |
•Displays a summary of the budgets for all applicable account codes on the requisition, including charges for the current req (“Doc. Value”). •You can also click the green, yellow or red hyperlink at the top of the screen (the color of the link indicates that the document/transaction is within, over or approaching the budget limit). •This will include the value of ALL line items on the requisition. To see the affect that an individual line item will have on the budgets, use the [Budgets] button on the Line Item Details Screen instead. |
Purchase Requisition Line Item Details Screen
Depending on your internal policies and how the system has been configured, many line item details/fields may be optional and may be completed later in the procurement process (e.g. by Buyers when Purchase Orders or other documents are created from the requisition).
All of the fields on this screen can be different for each line item on the Requisition. For example, each item can have a different delivery date, account coding, internal notes and attachments, etc.
In addition to field-specific defaults (outlined for each field below), you can optionally default many fields for new line items based on the previous line item entered, which can reduce data entry when entering multiple items for the same purpose. See Requisition Entry Options for details. |
When you save new line items, you may be warned that the item is already on order, depending on the settings in PO Entry Settings. This can help eliminate duplicate/unnecessary spending. Since you may not have access to items that are on order for other cost centers or inventory locations, (i.e. you may not want to be warned about those open orders), you can customize this warning in PO Entry Settings. |
When you save new line items, if freight or cost-per-order charges have been defined for the item, you will have the option of including these additional charges as separate line items on the Requisition. If a freight charge was defined for the item but the dollar amount or percentage was not specified, a line will be added to the Requisition with a zero value and the description "FREIGHT CHARGE (PENDING)". The amount can be entered later, when the resulting PO is built or when approving the Invoice with the Invoice Approval Module. |
Field |
Description |
Type |
•Requisitions can include a combination of line item types: REGULAR ORDER – An item from the Item Master File or a one-off item, with a specific quantity and price. DESCRIPTION ONLY - Use this to add comments or instructions that appear on the Requisition and resulting PO, such as shipping instructions for the supplier, etc. To enter internal notes that will not appear on the Requisition or resulting PO, use the [NOTES] button instead. BLANKET ORDER - Creates a Blanket Order Line. This will bring you to the Blanket Order Details Screen where you can enter the Blanket Order limits/restrictions. Note: RFQs do not support blanket orders, so you can only convert approved Purchase Requisitions for blanket orders into Purchase Orders, not into RFQs. |
•Check this box to create an included charge. Included charge line items must be added immediately following the parent line item on the Requisition. •An included charge is a line item whose value is included in the value of the parent item throughout the system for inventory valuation, charging to Cost Center history and budgets, etc. For example, you might create an included charge for things like freight, setup charges, etc.
Asset Item? |
•Check this box to indicate that this is an Asset Item (if you are using the Asset Management Module). When Asset Items are received, their details are added automatically to the Asset Master File, thereby eliminating the need to add the item to the Asset Master File as a separate step.
Item Code |
•Enter or select an item code or enter <*> (an asterisk) to use a one-off item. •If you enter the same item code twice, you receive a pop-up prompt to confirm that this is a new purchase of the item or an included charge for the previous item. •TIP: You can view the details of an item before actually selecting it, using the [VIEW] button while on the item Lookup list. |
Quantity/Unit |
•Enter the quantity of the item required and the unit of measure.
Price/Unit |
•Enter a price for ONE unit of the item and the unit of measure for the price. The price defaults to the selected supplier's price for the item but can be changed as required.
Discount |
•If you enter a list price discount for this line, the price (entered above) will be discounted throughout the system. The field defaults to the selected supplier's discount for the item but can be changed as required.
Taxes |
•Tax codes are used to calculate taxes for the line item based on the tax rate (percentage) entered in the Tax and Exchange Rates Master File.
G/L Account |
•Enter an individual G/L Account for this line item or use the [SPLIT] button to charge this line to more than one G/L. •G/L Account Codes are used to categorize and track your spending. While the title of this field can be renamed, the term “G/L Account” generally defines the type of item being purchased. For example, most organizations would have G/L Account codes for things like office supplies, computer supplies, services, etc.
Cost Center |
•Enter an individual charge-to Cost Center for this line item or use the [SPLIT] button to charge this line to more than one Cost Center. •Cost Center Codes are used to categorize and track your spending. While the title of this Master File can be renamed, the term “Cost Center” generally refers to who or what will be using an item being purchased, that is, the “end-user” of the item. Aside from “Cost Center”, commonly used terminology includes Charge-To, Department, Business Unit, Project, Job, etc.
Request-by |
•Enter a Request-By code for this line item, if applicable. •While the title of this Master File can be renamed, the Request-By field is typically used to record the individual that needs an item being purchased (i.e. the end-user of the item) when that person is not creating the order in the system him or herself. That is, Request-By codes are most commonly used when someone is ordering on behalf of someone else.
Project and Job |
•The Project and Job fields can be used to complement the G/L Account and Cost Center fields to categorize and track your spending. You can track purchase history and otherwise sort, filter and search for information in the system by Project and Job.
Required/Delivery |
•In addition to appearing on the resulting Purchase Order Document to inform the supplier when the item is needed, the Delivery Date is used to determine when items are late in various areas of the system (e.g. Late Purchase Orders Report, Supplier Performance Report) should the item not be received by this date. •The Delivery Time is entered using a 24-hour format and you will only have access to the field if it is included on your Requisition Form.
•For Stock Items that are kept in multiple stock Locations/Warehouses, you can enter a location to receive the item.
•Up to 64,000 characters of text can be used to describe the item. The description will appear on the Requisition, the resulting PO form, many reports, and can be used to search for Requisitions in the system. However, be sure to include all essential information in the first line of the description as the first line is used to reference the line item on some screens and reports where it is not practical to include the full/extended description. •Right-mouse-click to access spell check and cut and paste functions. •You can use the [BOILERPLATE] and [SUMMARY] buttons (details below) when the cursor is on the Description Field. •TIP: To enter internal notes that will NOT appear on the Requisition or resulting PO form that goes to the supplier, use the [NOTES] button.
(displayed in separate pop-up window when line item is saved) |
•If required, enter a Category A and B for the item. •The categories may be used to route the Requisition to the appropriate people for approval.
Button |
Description |
[OK] |
•Save changes to the item and return to the Requisition Header Screen. |
[+] or [>] |
•When adding new items to the Req, [+] will save the current item, add a new item to the Req and go to that new line item. •When modifying or browsing through items on the Req, [>] will save the current item and go to the next line item. |
•Exit without saving your changes and return to the Requisition Header Screen. |
•Split-charge the line item to more than one G/L Account or Cost Center. |
•Displays a summary of the budgets for all applicable account codes on the line item, including charges for the current item (“Doc. Value”). •This will include the value of ONLY this line item. To see the affect that the entire requisition will have on the budgets, use the [Budgets] button on the Requisition Header Screen instead. |
•View the Purchase or Usage History or the Cost Center History of the item. |
•Enter or modify the internal notes or file attachments for the line item. •Each item on the Requisition can have its own notes and attachments, which can be referenced when viewing the Requisition throughout the system (e.g. View Requisition Status, during the approval process, etc.). Unlike the Description of the item, the internal notes will NOT appear on the Requisition form or the resulting PO that goes to the supplier. |
•Drop a Boilerplate (standard clause) into the description, when the cursor is on the Description Field. The Boilerplate text will be inserted at the current position of the cursor. Boilerplate Summary hyperlink (under button) •If you are using the Boilerplate Summary feature and have not yet included the applicable Boilerplate text on the document, click this link to add the text to the Description Field.