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SpendMap User Guide (v14.8)

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Asset Management

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Module Overview

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The Asset Management Module is used to control a fixed asset inventory, such as computers, furniture, equipment, vehicles and so on.

This is not the same as the Inventory Control Module, which is used to manage consumable inventory.

The Asset Management Module simplifies the asset tracking process and improves the accuracy of asset reporting.

You can easily see where your assets are located, quickly calculate asset value and depreciation, comply with government regulations, meet audit requirements, prepare insurance claims and so on.

Module-map-assetKey Features

Keep all the details of your assets in the Asset Master File for easy reference.

You can import your assets, add assets to the Asset Master File manually, and/or have SpendMap update the Asset Master File automatically when assets are received.

Integrated Barcode Module simplifies asset counts.

Detailed asset information at your fingertips, with reporting by asset location, category, status, etc.

Asset depreciation and valuation reporting including straight-line and declining-balance valuation methods.

Warranty tracking.

Service history tracking.