REQUISITIONS AND APPROVAL > Item requisitions > Item requisition Work Area
Your Item Requisition Work Area is where you can work on both new (unprocessed) and already processed Item Requisitions.
In addition to keying in new requisition details, you can also create new requisitions by copying a new or processed req in your Work Area or by copying a Requisition Template.
New requisitions will be processed when you exit your work area, at which point they will be sent for on-line approval before being filled from stock or converted into POs or other procurement documents.
For general information on the use of Work Areas in SpendMap, see Document Work Areas.
e-Series for casual and mobile users
Item Requisition Work Area Summary Screen
This screen lists one line for each requisition in your Work Area.
By default, only new (unprocessed) requisitions will be listed. To also see requisitions that you have already processed, use the "Also show processed requisitions" check box at the bottom of the screen. You may want to include processed requisitions in order to copy, modify or delete a processed req.
You can add new reqs using the various buttons at the bottom of the screen.
The Status Column indicates the status of each req. More than one status may be displayed if there are multiple line items on the req with different statuses. Only reqs with a status of "NEW" can be processed.
Item Requisition Header Screen
At the top of this screen you will see the Requisition Number and Charge-To Cost Center.
When adding new reqs, the Requisition Number will default to the next available number of Requisition Number Set A and the Cost Center will default to your default cost center as specified in the User Master File but can be changed as required.
The bottom of the screen will list one line for each item on the requisition.
The Status Column indicates the status of each item. Only items with a status of "NEW" can be processed.
Split charging to multiple cost centers
Selecting approvers for requisition
All of the fields on the Line Item Details Screen can be different for each item on the req. For example, each item can have a different required-by date, account coding, internal notes and attachments, etc.
Also, if you are using the Inventory Control Module, a single req can include both stock and non-stock items.
Depending on your internal policies and how the system has been configured, many fields on the requisition may be optional and may be completed later in the procurement process (e.g. by Buyers when Purchase Orders or other documents are created from the requisition).