REQUISITIONS AND APPROVAL > Expense Reimbursements > Expense reimbursement requisition Work Area
Your Expense Reimbursement Requisition Work Area is where you can work on both new (unprocessed) and already processed Expense Reimbursement Requisitions.
For consistency and to reduce new user training, Expense Reimbursement Reqs use the same screens and follow almost the same process as Item Requisitions, with a few exceptions as outlined below.
New Requisitions will remain in your work area until they are processed, at which point they will be sent for on-line approval before payment is issued to you (i.e. reimbursement for your expenses). Until then, you can add, modify and delete requisitions without affecting other areas of the system. Your work area contains your "work in progress".
For general information on the use of Work Areas in SpendMap, see Document Work Areas.
Related settings
Expense Requisition Work Area Summary Screen
This screen lists one line for each requisition in your Work Area.
By default, only new (unprocessed) requisitions will be listed. To also see requisitions that you have already processed, use the "Also show processed requisitions" check box at the bottom of the screen. You may want to include processed requisitions in order to modify or delete a processed req.
You can add new reqs using the various buttons at the bottom of the screen.
The Status Column indicates the status of each req. More than one status may be displayed if there are multiple line items on the req with different statuses. Only reqs with a status of "NEW" can be processed.
Expense Requisition Header Screen
At the top of this screen you will see the Requisition Number and Charge-To Cost Center.
When adding new reqs, the Requisition Number will default to the next available number of Requisition Number Set A and the Cost Center will default to your default cost center as specified in the User Master File but can be changed as required.
The bottom of the screen will list one line for each item on the requisition.
The Status Column indicates the status of each item. Only items with a status of "NEW" can be processed.
Split charging to multiple cost centers
If the applicable setting has been enabled in Requisition Entry Options, you can split-charge a req to multiple cost centers by entering “*” (an asterisk) in the Charge-To Cost Center Field, in which case the ship-to cost center specified for each line item will be used as the charge-to for each item.
Selecting approvers for requisition
If the applicable setting is enabled in Misc. Approval Rules and Settings, you can manually select approvers for new requisitions. If so, you will be prompted to select one or more approvers when you click the [DONE] button.
Any approvers that you select manually will be added to the approval levels that are assigned by the system automatically based on the business rules, if any exist. That is, your requisition may actually require approval from more people than you select here.
The selected approver(s) will be applied to all "NEW" line items when the requisition is processed. When modifying already processed requisitions, the selected approval levels will not affect already processed lines (unless you changed them, in which case the status will show "NEW").
Status Column
Expense Requisition Line Item Details Screen
All of the fields on the Line Item Details Screen can be different for each item on the req. For example, each item can have different account coding, internal notes and attachments, etc.
Depending on your internal policies and how the system has been configured, many fields on the requisition may be optional, or perhaps some fields might be completed later in the procurement process (e.g. account coding might be filled in by someone else during the requisition approval process, etc.).
One line or many lines when submitting multiple receipts?
If you are requesting reimbursement for multiple expenses (i.e. more than one receipt), you can either create separate line items on the requisition (i.e. one for each expense/receipt), or you can create a single line item on the requisition for all receipts (i.e. one line for the total value of all receipts).
The decision to use one line item vs. many lines typically depends on which fields that you are using, and your reporting requirements (i.e. how accurate/detailed the history of expenses needs to be). For example, if your policies are to record the supplier for each expense, then you would have to create multiple line items (one for each supplier).
Similarly, you may decide to enter multiple line items depending on which account code fields you are using. For example, if you are populating the Project or Job fields, then you will need a separate line item for each Project or Job.
TIP: If you are only recording the G/L Account for each expense but not using the other account code fields, then you can create a single line item on the requisition and split charge that single line item to many G/L accounts using the [SPLIT CHARGE] button.
Again, these are just common examples for illustration only. You may not be coding expense reimbursement transactions at all, in which case don't feel obligated to use any of these fields.
Please speak with your System Administrator if you have questions about your internal policies or how your organization has chosen to use Expense Reimbursement Requisitions.
In addition to field-specific defaults (outlined for each field below), you can optionally default some fields for new line items based on the previously entered line item. This can reduce data entry when entering multiple items for the same purpose. See Requisition Entry Options for details.