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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Status & Inquiries > Cost Center history

This is used to view the history of charges to Cost Centers.

NOTE: You may be restricted as to which Cost Centers you can access with this utility, based on the Document Access setting in the [Permissions] folder of the User Master File.

Questions and Options

1.The earliest date to consider for history determines how much history will be displayed when you get to the Cost Center History Screen. The date defaults based on the "Years of History to display" field in Cost Center History/Budget Settings but you can view more history by entering an earlier date.

2.Enter a Cost Center Code and/or an Item Code.  To view charges for one-off items (i.e. with no item code), enter “*” (an asterisk) in the Item Code Field.

a.To view all charges to a Cost Center (for all items), enter only the Cost Center code and leave the item code blank.

b.To view all charges for one item (to all cost centers), leave the Cost Center code blank and enter only the item code.

c.To view all charges to a Cost Center for a specific item, enter both the Cost Center code and the item code.

TIP for System Administrators:  The Cost Center code field will default based the user's profile. If users are only permitted to view charges to their own cost center, this field can be locked/restricted so that the user cannot select another cost center.  Alternatively, the user can be restricted to one or more Cost Centers , based on the Document Access setting in the [Permissions] folder of the User Master File.


Cost Center History Screen 

Charges will be listed in reverse chronological orders, with more recent charges at the top of the screen.

To view additional details of a charge, double-click on the line or click [DETAILS].