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PURCHASING > Setup system > User defined terminology and settings > User defined field defaults
This is used to establish system-wide default values for various data entry fields.
In most cases, the default values can be modified (overridden) on the applicable data entry screens if needed.
•Fields can also default on data entry screens for each user based on the settings in the User Master File. •Fields can also default from the various Master Files. •Other settings that affect fields include User Defined Field Names and Terminology and User Defined Field Settings. |
Field Defaults Settings Screen
Field |
Description |
Default System-Wide BILL-TO code |
•Enter a Cost Center code to default the Bill-To Field on POs and other documents. The bill-to specifies where the supplier is required to send Invoices for orders. •If you have multiple Accounts Payable departments (e.g. for different divisions), a default bill-to can also be specified for each charge-to Cost Center. •In addition to defaulting the Bill-To Field on POs and other documents, the name and address associated with the Bill-To code is also used when your corporate name and/or address is needed, such as on reports and letters generated by the system (where you do not specifically enter that information). |
•Enter a valid Cost Center code to default the Ship-To Field on POs and other documents. The Ship-to specifies where the item(s) are to be shipped by the supplier. •A system-wide ship-to would typically only be used if all orders were being shipped to the same place (e.g. a central receiving dock). If you have multiple receiving locations, a default ship-to can also be specified for each charge-to Cost Center and/or for each User. |
Landed Currency SYMBOL |
•Enter the currency symbol (e.g. $, £, €, etc.) that will be displayed on screens and reports that show your local/landed currency (e.g. item pricing, spend reporting, etc.). •If no symbol is entered here, SpendMap will use the currency symbol specified for your Landed Currency Code, per the next setting, below. |
Landed Currency CODE |
•Enter your default (landed) currency code. •If you create Purchase Orders in foreign currencies, dollar amounts will be converted to your landed currency for item valuation and internal reporting purposes. That is, you can place orders in your supplier’s (foreign) currency but dollar amounts within SpendMap will show in your landed currency, so that you can compare apples-to-apples when looking at dollar values in the system. |
Exchange rate update option |
•Check this box to instruct SpendMap to automatically update currency exchange rates with current rates available on the Internet (from once per day. •In the unlikely event that the procedure fails (e.g. if an Internet connection is not available, etc.), SpendMap will make an entry in the System Alert Log but will still only attempt this once per day (i.e. will not re-try until the next day). •Click here for more details and other options. |
Units used to represent “EACH” |
•Enter the unit of measure that you use to represent “EACH”. For example, you may choose to use "EA" rather than "EACH". •For all system-generated transactions, the unit entered will be used (e.g. when generating automatic freight charges on POs, miscellaneous charges, etc.). |
•If you would like SpendMap to assign incrementing item codes (part numbers) when adding items to the Item Master File, enter the next item code to use. The value will automatically increment by one (1) whenever an item is added to the Item Master File. •The last part of the code must be numeric since the system cannot increment letters. However, the next item code can start with a letter or series of letters (e.g. ABC123). •To get the next sequential item code while using SpendMap, enter "." (a period) when prompted for an item code when adding items. |
•If you would like SpendMap to assign incrementing supplier codes when adding supplier to the Supplier Master File, enter the next supplier code to use. The value will automatically increment by one (1) whenever a supplier is added to the Supplier Master File. •The last part of the code must be numeric since the system cannot increment letters. However, the next supplier code can start with a letter or series of letters (e.g. ABC123). •To get the next sequential supplier code, enter "." (a period) when prompted for a supplier code when adding suppliers. |
G/L Account for Freight |
•You can optionally enter a G/L Account code to default for system-generated freight line items on Purchase Orders and other documents. This would be the case if you have a specific G/L account for freight (as opposed to using the G/L of the parent item). •Freight line items will be added to POs automatically if so indicated in the Item Master File. •Also, freight charges can be added during invoice approval.
Text for FREIGHT lines |
•This is the description that will be used for system-generated freight line items on Purchase Orders and other documents. •A freight charge may be added to POs and other documents, if so indicated for the item in the Item Master File. •Also, freight charges can be added during invoice approval. |
Text for MISC. lines |
•This is the description that will be used for system-generated "Miscellaneous" line items (e.g. Cost/order or Setup charges) on Purchase Orders and other documents. •A "cost per order" charge may be added to POs and other documents, if so indicated for the item in the Item Master File. •Misc. charges can be added during invoice approval. |
Text for PENDING note |
•This is the text that will be used, in addition to the text specified in "Text for FREIGHT lines", above, when you specify that freight charges apply to an item in the Item Master File, but you do not specify an amount in advance. |