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SpendMap User Guide (v14.5)

Navigation: Requisitions and Approvals > Approval > Build Documents from Approved Requisitions

Approved Requisition Staging Area (Manual Mode)

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REQUISITIONS AND APPROVAL > Approval > Build documents from approved requisitions > (Item requisitions /Purchase requisitions) > Approved requisition Staging Area (manual mode)

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This option (Manual Mode) is used to create documents (POs, Releases, RFQs or Purchase Requisitions) from approved requisitions when Buyers want to review and edit requisitions before building the resulting procurement documents. For example, this option can be used when information on requisitions may be incomplete and/or in a centralized Purchasing environment where Buyers or other procurement staff typically “fill in the blanks” or otherwise add value before placing orders.

Also, unlike when using Automatic Mode, you can select the type of document to create on a req-by-req basis (or even an item-by-item basis for Item Requisitions).

See About Building Documents from Approved Requisitions for more details on the two options as well as additional information on what happens when you build requisitions into POs and other documents.

hmtoggle_arrow0        Differences between Item Reqs and Purchase Reqs

Questions & Options

1.Choose a filter for reqs to process. Requisitions that do not match the filter entered, even if approved, will be skipped and will not be loaded into your Staging Area.
hmtoggle_arrow0        Multi-user considerations and filters

hmtoggle_arrow0        Tip when using “Only MY requisitions” option


Staging Area Summary Screen

This screen shows a summary of approved requisitions that have been loaded into your Staging Area.

Lines that show (_check) in the Status Column are ready for processing. For more details, see Status Column, below.

Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to review the requisition and related information and prepare the items for processing. You can then process the batch to build the resulting POs or other documents by selecting [PROCESS] or the applicable prompt when you exit the Stating Area.

Summary vs. Detail Mode

Since you may sometimes want to make change to the entire requisition (i.e. all lines items) but other times you may want to make a change to an individual line item, this utility offers both a Summary and Details mode. More...

hmtoggle_plus0        Status Column

hmtoggle_plus0        Buttons


Line Item Details Screen

This screen is used to enter the details of how requisitions are to be routed when the batch is processed, including the type of document to create, the user to receive the document, etc.

The options that are available will be different for Item Reqs vs. Purchase Reqs.

hmtoggle_plus0        Fields


Staging Area Defaulting Screen

When you click the [DEFAULT] button from the Staging Area Summary Screen, various options will be displayed to default or update various fields for all or selected transactions in the batch.

While this can save time over updating line items individually, if required you can still modify line items individually using the [ROUTE] button.


TIP: To update some (but not all) items in the Staging Area, establish a [FILTER] condition first and then use the [DEFAULT] button. If there is an active filter, only those records that are visible in the filter will be updated.

You do not have to update all fields. To NOT update a field, select DO NOT CHANGE for the applicable drop-box or, for data entry fields, simply leave the field blank.

When you click [OK] to apply the changes, if you have modified the settings since the last time you used the defaulting feature, you will be prompted to save the changes “for future use”. Select [NO] if the changes that you made are for this session only.

Also, if some items in the Staging Area show as “ready” (i.e. have already been prepared for processing), when you click [OK] to apply the changes, you will have the option to “update completed items that are ready for processing”. Select [NO] if you would like to skip (i.e. not affect) items that are “ready”.

hmtoggle_plus0        Buttons