REQUISITIONS AND APPROVALS > Item requisitions > Fill Stock Requisitions
(also available in other areas of the system)

This utility is used to post inventory usages or transfers to fill approved stock requisitions.
If there is not enough stock to fill a requisition, all or a portion of the requested quantity can be back-ordered, rejected or ordered.
Various e-mail notifications are available to let Requisitioners know that their orders were filled, back ordered, etc.
You can also generate a Pick List to help when removing items from the warehouse and/or you can generate Packing Slips to accompany the items that are filled and sent to the end-user (requisitioner).
What happens when requisitions are filled?
•An inventory usage or transfer is posted (i.e. perpetual inventory levels are updated, item’s history card is updated, etc.).
•The stock that was reserved when the requisition was created is automatically un-reserved.
•The requisition is moved to the Closed Requisition Log. |
Multi-user considerations
This utility can be used by many people simultaneously.
To ensure that two users aren’t working on the same requisition at the same time, as line items are loaded into your Work Area, they will be “reserved” in your name. Items are loaded into your Work Area and reserved on a first-come-first-serve basis - if you are working on a req and someone else accesses the Stock Room utility, the reqs that you are working on will not appear in the other user’s Work Area.
If you exit your Work Area but some items remain unprocessed, you will have the option to either 1) “release” the items so that they are available for other users to work on or 2) keep them “reserved” in your name, in which case they will NOT be available for other users and they will be reloaded into your Work Area automatically the next time you use this utility.
Related utilities
You can enter stock usages and transfers directly (i.e. without a requisition), provided that you have the applicable options in your user menu.
Related settings
Work Area Preparation Screen
This screen is displayed on the way into your Work Area and is used to select (filter) which approved requisitions to work with in this session, as well as various other options that will determine what you will see when you get to the actual Work Area.
Depending on your workload and the volume of requisitions, you may not wish to work on all requisitions at once, so this screen can be used to prioritize your work.
The filters on this screen can also be used if you are only responsible for filling certain types of requisitions, for example, if you manage a single inventory location/warehouse (and therefore only want to see requisitions for your location).
TIP for System Administrators: If users are only permitted to process certain types of requisitions, any of these fields can be locked out.
All filters are cumulative - each additional filter that is used will reduce the number of reqs that you will see in the Work Area.
Regardless of what you fill in on this screen, only requisitions that are fully approved will show in your Work Area.
When you are ready to proceed, select [NEXT] to move to the Work Area Summary Screen.
Fill Stock Requisitions Work Area Summary Screen
This screen lists all or some of the approved stock requisitions in the system, based on your selections on the previous Work Area Preparation Screen.
A "?" in the Status Column indicates that the item has not yet been prepared for processing, otherwise the Status will show “Ready” for items that are completely filled or will show how much of the requested quantity was back-ordered, ordered or rejected.
Should I prepare items for processing before or after I get them from the warehouse?
That depends on the nature of your business and how accurate the system’s in-stock balances are compared to what you actually have on the shelf. For details, see Tips on how to use the Pick List in the description of the [PRINT PICK LIST] button, below.
Line Item Details Screen
This screen is used to manually enter the Issued Quantity and/or modify certain fields on the requisition. For details on each field, see Item Requisitions Line Item Details Screen.
Inventory-related information for the item is displayed at the top of the screen to help you determine how much you can issue. For items that are kept in multiple stock locations, the in-stock, reserved and available balances will reflect the balances for the selected location only.
What happens if I issue less than the Requested Quantity?
If the quantity that you issue is LESS than the quantity requested, you will have three options for the balance when you click [OK] to save your changes:
The balance will remain as an open requisition and the status of the requisition will change to “back order”.
Back-ordered requisitions can be filled from stock once inventory has been replenished. On the Work Area Preparation Screen, you have the option to include or exclude back orders, so you can keep back-ordered items out of your field of view until they can be filled.
Options to replenish stock
Normally, when stock reqs are back-ordered due to insufficient stock, there is a separate process in place to replenish stock (e.g. see Inventory Reorder Report and Fill staging batch from re-order status). If not, you may choose to ORDER the balance instead (see below).
However, there is a setting in Misc. Req Settings called "Stock requisition back order option" that can be used to automatically trigger a re-order when items are back ordered (essentially the equivalent of selecting to back-order AND order the item, per other option below).
Forward the balance to be built into a Purchase Order or other procurement document.
Do not fill the balance. The status of the requisition will change to “rejected”.
Regardless of your selection, above, SpendMap can optionally send automatic notifications to requisitioners to let them know that they will not be getting everything that they asked for, at which point they can wait for the balance (if applicable) or they may elect to cancel or modify the remaining (unfilled) portion of the requisition.