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Navigation: Invoice Approval > Invoices

Non-PO Invoice Work Area

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INVOICE APPROVAL > Invoices > Non-PO Invoice Work Area


In some cases it’s not practical to create Purchase Orders for everything that you buy, in which case you can process non-PO invoices using this utility. Common examples include things like rent, utilities, etc.

For more details on the different types of invoices, see Types of Invoices and Workflow.

Based on the settings in Invoice Options, non-PO invoices can either be processed right away (e.g. to update budgets, cost center history, etc.) or, since there’s no Purchase Order to match to (i.e. no evidence that the expenditure was pre-approved), non-PO invoices can be routed for on-line approval before being processed.

Just like PO-related invoices, non-PO invoices can optionally be exported to your Accounts Payable System for processing (e.g. to cut a check to the supplier, post to the G/L, etc.).

TIP: As a convenience, you can also access this utility by selecting the [NON-PO INVOICE] button in your (PO-related) Invoice Work Area.

hmtoggle_arrow0        Related settings, utilities and reports


Non-PO Invoice Work Area Summary Screen

This screen lists each pending non-PO invoice line item (i.e. the same invoice number may appear more than once if there is more than one line item on it).

Unlike your (PO-related) Invoice Work Area that contains only the invoices that you entered yourself, the Non-PO Invoice Work Area contains non-PO invoices for all users. Note the User ID Column. However, while you can view other people’s invoices, you cannot affect them in any way.

You can add, modify or delete invoices using the various buttons at the bottom of the screen.

The Status Column indicates the current status of each invoice. See Status Column, below, for more details.

hmtoggle_arrow0        When non-PO invoices need approval

hmtoggle_plus0        Status Column

hmtoggle_plus0        Buttons


Non-PO Invoice Header Screen

This screen is used to enter the invoice header fields for non-PO invoices. These fields will be the same for the entire invoice (i.e. all lines). Many of the fields will default for you to reduce data entry based on the supplier that you select or based on the defaults in your user profile.

Some of the fields are not typical of invoices and in fact don’t appear when entering PO-related invoices (e.g. FOB, ship-to, delivery date, etc.). These fields (many optional) are made available here since there is no PO from which to pull the information and since you may want to populate them for reporting purposes (e.g. you may want to record where the item was shipped to).

Once you’ve completed the invoice header fields, select [NEXT] to enter the Invoice Line Item Details Screen.

hmtoggle_plus0        Fields

hmtoggle_plus0        Buttons