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INVOICE APPROVAL > Setup System > Invoice Options
These settings affect utilities in the Invoice Approval Module, including invoice entry, invoice processing and invoice approval routing.
Field |
Description of Options |
Enable invoice matching (keep receipts open until matched to an invoice)? |
•Check this box to enable the Invoice Approval Module, otherwise POs will be closed automatically when you process related receipts. POs MUST be closed/invoiced (either automatically at the receipt stage or by entering invoices) so that the POs can be purged from the system. •If you will be entering invoices for some POs but not others, you can enable the auto-invoice/close feature for one or more PO Number Sets. •If you will not be entering invoices (i.e. for POs that are closed automatically at the receipt stage), SpendMap will automatically post auto-invoice transactions as items are received, so that all the applicable status/inquiry utilities and reports can be properly updated with invoice information. The auto-invoice transactions will be based on the PO and receipt information and SpendMap will assume that the PO information is correct including prices, taxes, account coding, etc. •Before you start processing invoices, please review Getting Started with Invoice Approval. |
•Determines whether or not you can change the account code fields (G/L Account, Cost Center, Project, Job) that default from the PO/receipt on the Invoice Line Item Details Screen. |
•Enables the Invoice Balance Feature and allows you to enter the invoice grand total amount and taxes on the Invoice Header Screen. |
•Allows entry of invoice-specific free-form notes and/or attachments for invoice entered in Work Areas (as opposed to Quick Invoice Processing) and when invoices are routed for approval. •The notes might be used to remember specifics of an invoice while it remains in your Work Area and the notes/attachments will accompany the invoice when routed for additional approvals (e.g. to communicate with other users that will review the invoice, to attach a copy of the scanned invoice, etc.). |
Force verification of supplier remit-to address? |
•Check this box to have SpendMap display the supplier’s primary address or remit-to address (if applicable) in a pop-up window when entering invoices. |
Allow modification of tax codes on Invoice Header? |
•Check this box to allow modification of the Tax Code fields on the Invoice Header Screen (i.e. to apply to all line items on the invoice), otherwise you will only be able to enter tax codes on the Line Item Details Screen for each line item. |
Prohibit the entry of the same invoice number... |
•This setting prevents users from processing invoices that have already been entered with the same Invoice Number for the same Supplier in separate invoice sessions and protects against duplicate invoicing by your suppliers. •Even if this is enabled, the same invoice number CAN be entered for the supplier within the current invoice session. •If the invoice is canceled, you WILL be able to enter the invoice number again. Similarly, if the PO is canceled, related invoice numbers will be permitted again and an entry will be posted to the System Alert Log. •Note: If you do not use this feature and permit an invoice number to be entered more than once, SpendMap does have additional mechanisms in place to warn you in the case where the original PO amount will be over-invoiced. |
Consider all invoice lines as entered in details mode when details are viewed? |
•Do not enable this setting unless advised by SpendMap Technical Support. |
•Check this box keep a log/history of early payment discounts related to processed invoices. |
•Check this box to enable invoice vouchers. |
View all PO line items when process imported receipts and invoices. |
•This option affects what you will see when you select the [PROCESS] button in Process Imported Receipts and Process Imported Invoices. •If enabled ( |
View all receipts (even non-matching receipts) when process imported invoices? |
•This option affects what you will see when selecting a receipt to match to an invoice in Process Imported Invoices. •If enabled ( |
Calculate terms discount based on: |
•Choose to either have SpendMap calculate early payment discounts (e.g. 2%10, NET 30) on 1) the net invoice amount (i.e. the amount without taxes or 2) the gross invoice amount (i.e. the amount including taxes). |
•This setting is used to enable and configure approval/routing options for non-PO invoices. •If enabled, you must also select a PO Number Set to use for non-PO invoices in the adjacent field. While you do not need to process a PO in SpendMap for these types of invoices, SpendMap needs to use an internal PO number for internal tracking purposes.
•This setting is used to enable and configure approval/routing options for PO-related invoice discrepancies (i.e. when the difference between the PO amount and the invoice amount is greater than the permitted threshold set in the user’s profile).
•This setting is used to enable and configure approval/routing options for deposit invoices.
If you have enabled Deposit Invoices using the setting above, enter the minimum user access level (0-9) required to enter deposit invoices. Users with lower access levels will not be able to enter/process deposits. |
•Certain types of line items can be added when approving/matching PO-related invoices in your Invoice Work Area. •This setting determines the type(s) of line that users will be permitted to add at the invoice stage. •See the next setting regarding how these new lines will be evaluated when determining if an invoice discrepancy has occurred. |
Consider taxes when determining if invoice discrepancies exist? |
•If checked ( •If unchecked, the taxes will be ignored, regardless of amount, when determining if an invoice discrepancy has occurred. |
Consider lines added during invoice entry as ZERO dollar PO lines? |
•If in the previous setting you selected to allow “any” types of lines to be added during invoice matching, this setting determines when these additional charges should be considered invoice discrepancies. •If you do NOT check this box, these additional lines will always be considered discrepancies. •If this box IS checked, these additional lines will only be considered discrepancies if they exceed the amount entered for “Invoice error for zero value ($0.00) POs” in the user’s profile.