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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION > Setup system > RFQ printing options > Settings

This is used to configure various settings that affect your printed RFQ, that is, what shows on the RFQ form itself.  

Some settings/features that affect all of your forms (including RFQs) are set up in PO Printing Settings, such as the form design/style, corporate logo and electronic signatures.


RFQ Printing Settings Screen

hmtoggle_plus0        Fields


Terms Page Setup Screen

This screen is used to specify the content for the Terms and Conditions Page that will automatically accompany each RFQ (if you enable the Terms Page for one or more copies, using the "Terms?" check box, above).

You can enter the text to appear on the Terms Page at the bottom of the screen or you can select an image file that contains the terms.  You can use either text or an image file but not both.  

If you update the terms, the new terms will be used the next time you launch SpendMap.