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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Request for Quotation (RFQ) > Utility > Internal Messages

Send/Broadcast a Message to Users

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PURCHASING > Utility > e-mail and internal messaging > Send a message / Broadcast a message to all users
(Any optional module) > Utility > Internal messages > Send a message / Broadcast a message to all users

The Send a Message Utility is used to send an internal message to a specific SpendMap user, while the Broadcast a Message Utility is used to send internal messages to ALL SpendMap users.

This may be easier than using an external e-mail system as you can select users from the User Master File or the Request-By Mater File to send messages to (no need to maintain a list of e-mail addresses externally).

Recipients can then read their messages with Read Your Messages or using their e-mail software, depending on the delivery option selected in e-mail settings.

Questions & Options

1.When using Send a Message, you can either select a user from the User Master File or the Request-by Master File to receive the message. Selecting a Request-by Code will only be available if you have integrated the messaging system with your external e-mail system using the applicable setting in e-mail settings. That is, only users in the User Master File can use the Read Your Messages Utility.
When using Broadcast a Message, you will not see this prompt (i.e. messages will be sent to all users in the User Master File).


Message Detail Screen

Enter a message subject and the body of the message, then click [SEND MESSAGE].

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