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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Utility > e-mail and internal messaging > Broadcast a message to suppliers

This is used to send an e-mail to one or more suppliers from within SpendMap, which may be easier than using an external e-mail system since you can select suppliers from the Supplier Master File (i.e. no need to maintain a list of e-mail addresses externally).


Message Detail Screen

At the top of the screen, click the hyperlink next to the To: Field to select suppliers to receive the e-mail.  This will take you to the multiple code selection screen where you can select one or more suppliers to receive the e-mail.

NOTE: You can select as many suppliers as needed, but only those with an e-mail address specified in the Supplier Master File will receive the message.

You can then enter the subject, e-mail body text, and select any attachments to accompany the e-mail, then click [SEND].