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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Utility > Bulletin board messages > Update bulletin board messages


This utility is used to distribute messages (announcements, notifications) to the SpendMap user community.

Internal users (i.e. your staff) can view the messages using View Bulletin Board Messages. Suppliers can also view Bulletin Board messages (that are intended for suppliers) in the Supplier Portal.

Messages would typically be sent by the System Administrator and might include instructions for using the system, procurement policies, important announcements, contact information, etc.


Bulletin Board Message Summary Screen

Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to add, modify and delete messages.

Messages will be visible to users until they are deleted. However, when viewing messages with the View Bulletin Board Messages Utility, newer messages will be highlighted and will appear at the top of the list, so it will be apparent which are new messages even if you leave older messages in the list for reference purposes.


Bulletin Board Message Details Screen

Enter the message details. Your selection in the Audience field will determine who will be able to see the message, that is, some messages may be for internal staff and some may be only for suppliers.

To attach a file, use the [ATTACH] button at the bottom of the screen. REMINDER: Other users will only be able to open/view the attachments if they have the applicable software installed on their computer. For example, if you attach a .DOC file, they will need Word to open it. Therefore, it's a good idea to only attach common file types.