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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

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Module Overview

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When goods or services are delivered, you can record receipts in SpendMap to update all applicable areas of the system, such as the status of the Purchase Order, the supplier’s delivery performance, item history, and so on.

Receiving also updates other modules of SpendMap as well, for example, increasing stock levels in the Inventory Control and Asset Management Modules. Receiving will also create an “accrual” to match the supplier’s invoice to for payment approval, in the Invoice Approval Module.

Receivers no longer have to send paper Packing Slips around your company since the folks in Purchasing, Accounts Payable and other departments can access receipt information in SpendMap to do their work.

The Receiving Module eliminates bottlenecks and lost documents while reducing the administrative burden of paper files.

Receipt transactions that are entered into SpendMap can also be transferred to other systems (such as an Accounts Payable System) in either electronic or report format.

If you do not use the Receiving Module, Purchase Orders will be closed as soon as POs are processed.  You can enable or disable the module with the applicable setting in Receiving Options.

Finally, you may choose to have some POs automatically received by SpendMap on the delivery date if the items cannot be late (i.e. will always be received on the delivery date), thereby eliminating the need to receive certain POs. For example, weekly landscaping services or perhaps a PO for an educational course might be automatically received so that the invoice can be approved without having to enter a separate receipt transaction.

Module-map-receiveKey Features

Supports both central and end-user receiving.

Receipts automatically update all applicable areas (inventory, assets, accruals, PO status, etc.).

Ability to cancel/reverse a receipt once posted.

Integrated Barcode Module simplifies receipt transactions.

Receive orders using your Smartphone or tablet using the Mobile Web App.

Unlimited receipts per PO.

Option to attach scanned packing slip.

Receipt history reporting.