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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Receiving > Receipts

Receive a Release

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RECEIVING > Receipts > Receive

Processing a receipt against a Release is the same as receiving individual PO Lines in details mode except that the corresponding release is consumed (depleted) by the quantity received.


Questions & Options

1.Enter or select a Release Number to receive against.
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2.Select the line item from the Release to receive against. This will take you to the Line Item Details Receiving Screen. The "Quantity to Receive" will default to the open Release quantity but can be changed for partial receipts.
To view the details of the Release before selecting it, select [DETAILS]. To view the PO Status details of the parent Blanket PO, select [VIEW PO].
Keep or discard balance? If you receive less than the open Release quantity, you will be prompted to either [KEEP] the balance on the open Release or [DISCARD] the balance (i.e. delete the balance of the Release).