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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Status & Inquiries > Release Status >

This is used to view the details of processed Releases against Blanket Orders.

TIP: You can also use the [VIEW RELEASES] button in View PO Status.

NOTE: You may be restricted as to which Releases you can view with this utility (e.g. you may only be able to view your own Releases, your Cost Center's Releases, etc.), based on the Document Access setting in the [Permissions] folder of the User Master File.

Questions & Options

1.Select a menu to either view Open or Closed (received) Releases.
When new Releases are processed, the Open Release Log is updated automatically.  When you receive the items on the Release, the Release (or the portion that was received) will be moved from the Open Release Log to the Closed Release Log. Later, when the associated POs is purged from the system, the corresponding Release transactions are removed from the Log automatically.


Release Summary Screen

This screen shows a summary of the Releases that match the search filters at the top of the screen.

Double-click on a Release to drill into the details or use the [Quick search by document number] button at the bottom of the screen to jump right to a specific Release.

hmtoggle_plus0        Search Filters (top of screen)

hmtoggle_plus0        Buttons (bottom of screen)