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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Asset Management > Service Calls

Entering Service Call Details

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ASSET MANAGEMENT > Service calls > Log new service call
ASSET MANAGEMENT > Service calls > Log service call response
ASSET MANAGEMENT > Service calls > Record service completion
ASSET MANAGEMENT > Service calls > Record invoice for service
ASSET MANAGEMENT > Service calls > Log response/completion/invoice (1 step)

When your assets need service/repairs, you can record the steps of the service call process using the utilities listed above.  You can then track the status of open service calls in the Service Call Status utility and on the Service Follow-Up Report.

After the service is complete, the details of the service calls will be available for historical/reference purposes on the Service History Report and the Supplier Performance Report.

There are a few utilities that can be used to record the details of service calls, as listed at the top of this page.  These utilities are available via separate menu options in case you have a division of duties and would like to restrict users' access to certain areas.  If not, you can simply use "Log new service call" to start/create a new service call and then use "Log response/completion/invoice (1 step)" to enter all of the remaining details.  If you use the dedicated/separate utilities, you will simply be restricted from accessing some of the folders listed below.

Log Service Folder

The [LOG SERVICE] Folder is used to create a new service call and includes details of when the call was initially placed.

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Response Folder

The [RESPONSE] Folder is used to record the details of the service supplier's initial response, that is, when they initially began the work.

Response time is one of the things that is tracked on the Supplier Performance Report.

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Completion Folder

The [COMPLETION] Folder is used to record when the service was completed and the details of the work that was performed by the supplier.

Service duration (from initial response to completion of service) is one of the things that is tracked on the Supplier Performance Report.

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Invoice Folder

The [INVOICE] Folder is used to record the details of the cost/billing for the service call.  This information will show on various service-related reports.

This information is for reference purposes only and will not update the spending history in the system (e.g. spend by supplier, Cost Center history and budgets, etc.).  To update spending history, you can process a Purchase Order and/or an invoice.

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