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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Asset Management > Status & Inquiries

View Service Call Status

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ASSET MANAGEMENT > Status & Inquiries > Service call status

This is used to view the details of both open and closed/completed service calls.

The information is updated automatically as service calls move through the process.

hmtoggle_arrow0        Related reports


Service Call Summary Screen

This screen shows a summary of the service calls that match the search filters at the top of the screen.

TIP: Use the check-box called "Include closed documents" at the top of the screen to include those service calls that have been closed/completed.

Double-click on a service call  to drill into the details of that service call or use the [Quick search by document number] button at the bottom of the screen to jump right to a specific service call.

hmtoggle_plus0        Search Filters (top of screen)

hmtoggle_plus0        Buttons (bottom of screen)