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SpendMap User Guide (v14.5)

Navigation: Receiving > Reports

Delivery Expediting Notices

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PURCHASING > Reports > Purchase Order Reports > PO Status > Delivery expediting notices
(also available in other areas of the system)


Delivery Expediting Notices are used to inform suppliers of outstanding (late) Purchase Orders and Releases and to request updated delivery dates.

The Notices will include the same items that show on the Late Purchase Orders Report, only formatted in a “letter” style, one Notice per supplier.

For suppliers that are set up to receive their orders by auto-fax or e-mail, you can send the Notices either electronically or in hard copy format.


Noteworthy Questions & Options

You can specify number of days to wait before sending another notification. This allows you to run this utility frequently (e.g. every day) without overwhelming your suppliers with Notices that they are already aware of. This value defaults to 1 day so that running it twice on the same day does not send the same Notices twice. Line items are tagged internally with the date the last Notice was sent.

You will also have the option to include or exclude included charges. You may not want to include items for things like freight, which are obviously related to other lines (actual items) already on the Notice.