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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Invoice Approval > Reports

Tax/Audit Trail Report

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PURCHASING > Reports > Financial reports > Tax audit trail
(also available in other areas of the system)

This report is an audit trail of financial transactions, by date range, where dollars are actually being allocated, along with a breakdown of applicable taxes.

The original intent of this report was for tracking sales tax payments but since you can filter the report to include only selected transactions (e.g. invoices, usages, cost center credits, adjustments, etc.), this report is commonly used to generate lists of specific transaction types or to research a specific document or transaction.


Noteworthy Questions & Options

You can run the report based on [INVOICE DATE] or [PO DATE]. Your choice will determine which date the specified date range filter applies to.

For the closed PO filter option, if you select “Closed POs only”, only invoices for POs that have ALL lines invoiced/closed will be included. If you select “Closed POs lines only”, if only some lines on the PO have been invoiced/closed and some have not, the invoices related to the still open lines will be excluded.

When selecting which transaction types to include, if you select to include receipt transactions, only open (unmatched) receipts will be listed. Once receipts are matched to invoices, the receipts will be replaced by the applicable invoice transactions.