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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Invoice Approval > Reports

A/P Financial Forecast Report

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PURCHASING > Reports > Financial Reports > AP financial forecast
(also available in other areas of the system)


This report lists forecasted payments for a specified period, based on Purchase Orders and other related transactions in the system.

This report can be useful for financial (cash flow) planning.

Since the report can be sorted and filtered based on many fields, the report can effectively be used to forecast payments by item, supplier, buyer, etc.


Noteworthy Questions & Options

You can include or exclude non-invoiced Purchase Orders, that is, line items for which no invoices have been entered. If the data on transactions that precede invoices (i.e. POs and receipts) does not accurately predict invoice payments in your environment (i.e. if invoices significantly differ from POs), you may want to exclude line items until invoices are processed. For more details, see How SpendMap calculates payment dates, above.

You can run the report based on [PAYMENT DATE] or [PO DATE]. Your choice will determine which date the specified date range filter applies to.

For the closed PO filter option, if you select “Closed POs only”, only payment for POs that have ALL lines invoiced/closed will be included. If you select “Closed POs lines only”, if only some lines on the PO have been invoiced/closed and some have not, the payment related to the still open lines will be excluded.