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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Utility > Data Interfaces > Tax/Audit Trail > Export Tax/Audit Trail


This utility is used to export Tax/Audit Trail transactions.

You can export transactions date range and optionally apply one or more filters to limit the transactions that are included.


Noteworthy Questions & Options

1.You can optionally apply one or more filters to limit the transactions that are exported. You will be returned to the “Establish filter limit?” question after setting up a filter in case you want to apply another filter. Filters are cumulative.

2.If you apply a filter, a list of available fields will be displayed. To apply a filter, select the field to filter on and then enter the filter limit. Filters are left-to-right, so you can specify one or more characters to match. For example, you can export records where the field starts with “A” or “AB” or “ABC”, etc.