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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Reports > Supplier information > Price variance


This report shows how a supplier's prices have changed over time.

The Summary Report lists the items purchased from a supplier along with summary pricing information for the date range specified, including the minimum, maximum, average, and current price for each item, as well as how much the pricing has changed during the period as both a percentage and dollar amount.

The Detail Report lists all of the above plus a list of specific purchase transactions (with itemized pricing) that went into the price summary calculations.

Following the list of items, a summary/total price variance for the supplier is shown.


Noteworthy Questions & Options

The report can be based on either [PURCHASE ORDER] prices or [INVOICE] prices (if you are using the optional Invoice Approval Module).  However, due to the way invoice information is stored for item history (the source of data for this report) the invoice price differs slightly in meaning from that of the PO price, as follows:


PO Price

Invoice Price


Price entered on PO

Average of all invoices processed for the PO line item


Not included in price

Included in price


Based on PO date

Based on PO date

In addition, in the case of PO unit price option, any purchase orders with no value (unit price is zero) are not included on the report. Similarly, if using the invoice price option, any non-invoiced purchase orders are not included on the report.

When running the Detail Report for all suppliers (that includes a list of specific purchase transactions that went into the price summary calculations), you can include [ORDERS FOR EACH SUPPLIER ONLY] or for [ALL SUPPLIERS]. If you select [ALL SUPPLIERS], all purchase order transactions (regardless of the supplier(s) specified for the report) will be considered for price variance calculations (the supplier specified for the report will be highlighted in the purchase transaction details section). Essentially the [ALL SUPPLIERS] option produces and overall price variance report as opposed to a supplier-specific price variance report.

If [ALL SUPPLIERS] is chosen, any purchases in foreign currencies will be converted to landed dollars.