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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Utility > Purge and Archive History > Purge item history



This utility is under construction and
has been temporarily disabled.
(Let us know if you need to do this real bad)

This utility is used to delete old item history transactions.

Item history accumulates as various transactions are processed.


IMPORTANT:  Data that is purged is non-recoverable. If you are purging information that may be required for audit purposes, ensure that the appropriate reports are printed and retained for your records and/or a backup is performed before the data is purged.


Noteworthy Questions & Options

The “up to and including” date refers to the transaction date. Any transactions dated after the date entered will not be affected by the purge.

You have the option to update the Average Year's Purchases Field in the Item Master File. SpendMap will calculate an average year's purchases for each item based on the entire history of each item and will replace the corresponding field in the Item Master File with the resulting forecast.