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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Purchase Orders > Modify a processed PO > Simple (modify one PO line at a time, online)

This utility can be used to modify existing line items on processed Purchase Orders, one line at a time, and in "online mode" (i.e. changes are applied immediately as each line is saved).

You cannot add new lines or delete/remove lines with this utility.

While not as sophisticated as the Advanced PO Modification Utility, this utility is faster and may be preferable when making small changes to POs.

For additional details, see About Change Orders.

Questions & Options

1.Select a PO to modify.

2.Select a line on the PO to modify.

3.On the Simple PO Modification Screen, modify the PO details and click [OK] to save your changes.

4.When you exit the PO, you will be asked if you want to “consider this modification a revision”. See About revision numbering for details.
You will also be asked if you want to re-print or re-send the PO to the supplier.


Simple PO Modifications Screen

Modify the PO details as needed and click [OK] to save your changes.

If you modify a field in the PO Header (Terms, Comment, Bill-To, etc.) on a multiple-page PO, you will be prompted to select [THIS PAGE ONLY] to make the changes to only the page of the PO that this PO line is on, otherwise, select [ALL PAGES] to modify the header of all pages on this PO.

If a Ship-To or Bill-To code is changed, all address fields for the printed PO will be updated based on the address information in the Cost Center Master File. If you need to use an address other than the address in the Cost Center Master File, you can do so using the Advanced PO Modification Utility instead.