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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Purchase Orders > Modify a processed PO > Advanced (reloads PO into PO work area) > Select POs to modify/reload

This is used to reload a processed Purchase Order back into your PO Work Area where it can be modified and processed as a Change Order.

Changes to the PO are committed only when you process the PO.

While the PO remains in your PO Work Area, all activity related to it will be prohibited throughout the system (e.g. Releases, Receipts, Invoices, etc.).

This “advanced” change order option provides the most flexibility and options; essentially all of the functionality of the PO Work Area is available when working on Change Orders (with a few minor exceptions). However, a few steps are required in that you must 1) reload the PO back into your PO Work Area (with this utility), 2) make the required changes in your Work Area, and then 3) re-process the PO.  For minor changes, you might consider using the Simple PO Modification Utility instead.

For additional details and options, please see About Change Orders.


Questions & Options

1.Specify the user’s PO Work Area to load the PO into for modification. The system defaults to the current User ID but you can “send” POs to other users as well.
TIP for System Administrators:  This field can be locked/restricted so another user cannot be selected.

2.Choose a PO Number to modify (i.e. reload).
If PO was originally created by a different user/buyer, confirm that the “ownership” of the PO will change to the new user. The new user/buyer will appear to be the user who created the PO on screens and reports.
The system will notify you that the PO is now in your PO Work Area for modification. Remember, the PO will be locked throughout the system until processed or otherwise removed from your Work Area.

3.Do you want to modify the Purchase Order Now?  When you are done selecting POs to modify/reload, you will be given the option to go directly into your PO Work Area to work on the POs. Select [NO] if you would prefer to return to the Main Menu and work on them later.

At this point, the POs can be modified in the PO Work Area. POs will be placed “on hold” to avoid accidental processing of the Change Order (e.g. if you have other POs in your PO Work Area). To toggle the hold status on and off, click the [HOLD] button on the PO Work Area Summary Screen.