REQUISITIONS AND APPROVAL > Purchase Requisition> Process New Requisitions
This is used to process (and optionally print) one or many new Requisitions in your Purchase Requisition Work Area. Alternatively, you can also process new Reqs when you exit your Work Area.
When Reqs are processed, they will be removed from your Work Area and sent through the approval process before eventually being built into POs or RFQs.
You can track the status of your Reqs in Requisition Status and with the various reports in the REPORTS section of the Main menu.
Why Reqs may not process
Only Reqs that have a status of “OK” on the Requisition Summary Screen can be processed. Reqs that cannot be processed include:
•Reqs that have no line items.
•Reqs that are “on-hold” in your Work Area.
•Reqs that have not been verified (validated).
In addition, if you are using the optional cost center or G/L budgeting features, you may either be warned or stopped altogether if you try to process a Req that exceeds budget, depending on the budget settings.
Printing options
If you choose to print copies of Reqs when they are processed, you can optionally print up to 5 copies and, depending on the design of your graphical Req form, each copy may have different information (e.g. requestor’s copy, approver’s copy, Purchasing copy).
In addition, there are supplemental documents that can optionally print when Reqs are processed, including the Split-Ship Report, the Split-Charge Summary and one or more Terms and Conditions pages.
For these and other settings that will affect printed Reqs, see Requisition Printing Settings.
While most organizations prefer a paperless requisitioning process and don't print copies of Purchase Requisitions when they are processed, some SpendMap customers have a need for a hard copy, such as to provide to suppliers in advance of an official Purchase Order (e.g. to notify a supplier of a pending order while the approval process takes place).
Questions & Options
1.To print a copy of requisitions being processed, select [YES], otherwise, select [NO]. Printing a copy does not affect how requisitions are processed.
2.Choose a filter for the requisitions to process and enter a filter limit, if required.