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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Requisitions and Approvals > Purchase Requisitions

Transfer Requisitions to Another User's Work Area

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REQUISITIONS AND APPROVAL > Purchase Requisition> Transfer Requisitions to another user’s work area

This is used to transfer (move) unprocessed requisitions from one user’s Purchase Requisition Work Area to another’s.

Questions & Options

1.Enter the User ID code of the user that currently has the Reqs in their Purchase Requisition Work Area (i.e. the “from” user).

TIP for System Administrators:  If certain users are only permitted to transfer their own documents, this field can be locked/restricted.

2.Enter the User ID to transfer the Requisitions TO. When the transfer is complete, the Requisitions will be in this user’s Purchase Requisition Work Area.

3.On the Transfer Screen, select the Reqs to be transferred.

Transfer Screen

Use this screen to select one or more Reqs to transfer. A checkmark (_check) in the Include Column indicates that the Req has been selected for transfer.

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