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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Utility > Data Interfaces > Processed POs > Export processed POs


This utility is used to export processed Purchase Orders, including both open POs as well as POs that have been archived, .

You can export POs by date range and optionally apply one or more filters to limit the POs that are included.


Noteworthy Questions & Options

1.You can specify a PO date range to include. SpendMap automatically includes both open POs as well as POs that have been archived, within the specified date range.

2.You can optionally expand split charge details into separate transactions. A Split Charge Percent field is available in the export configuration, which indicates how much the transaction represents of the entire PO line.

3.Select which Units of Measure to use for quantities, either the Units used on each PO or quantities can be converted to the applicable item's base Unit of Measure, as specified in the Item Master File.

4.You can optionally apply one or more filters to limit the POs that are exported. You will be returned to the “Establish filter limit?” question after setting up a filter in case you want to apply another filter. Filters are cumulative.

5.If you apply a filter, a list of available fields will be displayed. To apply a filter, select the field to filter on and then enter the filter limit. Filters are left-to-right, so you can specify one or more characters to match. For example, you can export records where the field starts with “A” or “AB” or “ABC”, etc.