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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Asset Management > Master Files

Asset Life Units Master File

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ASSET MANAGEMENT > Master files > Life units

Asset life units of measure are used to describe the age of your assets.  For example, the age of a car or truck might be measured in MILES while the age of a piece of furniture might be measured in MONTHS or YEARS.

When adding assets to the Asset Master File, you will be able to specify the life units of the assets.  For assets whose age is measured in time (e.g. DAYS, MONTHS, YEARS, etc.), the system will calculate the age of the assets automatically based on the asset's delivery date.  For assets whose age is not measured in time (eg. MILES, CYCLES, COPIES, etc.), the age of the assets must be recorded with Record Meter Reading before printing reports that take the asset's age into account, like the Asset Depreciation Report.


Asset Life Units Master File Screen