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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Asset Management > Assets > Meter Readings

Record Meter Readings

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ASSET MANAGEMENT  > Assets > Meter readings > Record meter readings

This is used to record the age of assets whose life/age is NOT measured in time, such as a vehicle that might use a Life Unit of Measure of MILES or KMS.  The Life Unit of Measure is specified for each asset in the [PO/Value] Folder of the Asset Master File.

For assets whose life/age is measured in time, there is no need to record meter readings, as SpendMap can calculate the age of those assets automatically based on the date that the assets were received.

Also, you only need to record the age/life of your assets if you plan to use certain features of the Asset Management Module that take into account the age of your assets, such as the Depreciation Report.

If you make a mistake, you can simply enter a new meter reading or you can cancel/reverse the last meter reading.