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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Receiving > Utility > Data Interfaces

Import Into Receipts Staging Batch

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RECEIVING > Utility > Data Interfaces > Import into receipts staging batch > Import

This is used to import receipt transactions into SpendMap to reduce data entry and accelerate the receiving process in cases where receipt data can be provided by another system.

When receipt transactions are imported, they will reside in the Receipts Staging Batch until they are matched to Purchase Orders and processed with Process Imported Receipts.

Besides the receipt information itself (e.g. quantity, packing slip number, delivery date, etc.), other fields can be imported to help locate the applicable Purchase Orders in the system. The more data/fields you import, the more likely SpendMap will be to automatically find the applicable PO line item and, therefore, the less chance there will be that the user has to manually select a line item to match the receipt to when processing the imported receipts. So please review the notes associated with each field in the import configuration utility for a detailed explanation of the field requirements and features.