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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Utility > Data Interfaces > Cost Center master file > Budgets > Import Budgets into cost center master file


This utility is used to import budget data into the [BUDGETS] Folder and/or the [MATCHING G/L ACCOUNTS/BUDGETS] folder of the Cost Center Master File.

Budgets for an individual cost center can only exist in one of the above folders but not both. However, some cost centers can have cost-center-level budgets while others can have G/L-level budgets.

Any cost center, G/L account or G/L category codes that you import with this utility must already exist in the respective master files.

If importing time-based budgets, the import must be run separately for each fiscal period (e.g. once for each year). You will be prompted to select the fiscal period/year during the import operation.

SPECIAL NOTE: Unlike other master file imports that only overwrite fields that are imported but leave existing fields intact if the field is not imported, this import will clear/purge any existing budget data (for any cost centers that are imported).  Therefore, if a cost center is included in the import and it has budgets, you must import the budget data, including all G/L-account-level budget (if you are maintaining G/L-level budgets). For example, if a cost center had existing budgets for five G/L accounts but you imported budgets for three G/L accounts, the result would be a cost center with budgets for three G/L accounts.

To import budgets for multiple G/L accounts, simply include multiple records in the import file (one for each G/L) with the same cost center code.