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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Purchasing (Main Module) > Master Files

G/L Account Category Master File

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PURCHASING > Master Files > G/L Account Categories > Add/Modify/Delete

G/L Account Categories are used to group G/L Account Codes together for tracking budgets. For example, some cost centers might have a single amount budgeted for all “IT purchases” (the G/L category) which might encompass many individual G/L Accounts (e.g. software, hardware, IT consulting, etc.).

You can specify the G/L category for each G/L Account in the G/L Account Master File.

You can then set up budgets for each Cost Center at the G/L Category level.


Initial Setup Screens

1.The first time that you access the G/L Category Master File, you will be prompted for two characters which will be used to differentiate G/L Account Categories from G/L Account Codes on screens and reports. You must be a SpendMap System Administrator to do this.
Since cost center budgets can be set up by G/L Account and simultaneously by G/L Category, and since it is theoretically possible to have a G/L Account and a G/L Category with the same code, the characters that you enter here will wrap (i.e. precede and follow) G/L Categories when displayed on screens and reports, so user’s can more easily distinguish G/L Accounts from G/L Categories
STOP: Once established, the characters that you indicate on the following screen cannot be changed.

Select [CANCEL] to abandon the operation and exit to the Main Menu.

2.Enter the characters to wrap (i.e. precede and follow) G/L Categories when displayed on screens and reports.
Make sure to use characters that are not normally used in your G/L Account Coding structure.

Some examples include [] or () or {} or --. The result would be G/L Categories that look like this respectively:



G/L Account Categories Master File Screen