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SpendMap User Guide (v14.8)

Navigation: Inventory Control > Master Files > Items

Set Item Access Levels

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PURCHASING > Master Files > Items > Set Item Access Levels
(also available in other areas of the system)

This utility is used to set the minimum access level that a user must have in order to access an item in the Item Master File.

The access level can be set for each user in the User Master File.

SpendMap compares the item’s access level and the user’s access level to determine if access should be granted to:

Modify the item in the Item Master File and

Select the item throughout the system (e.g. when creating POs and other documents).

Questions & Options

1.Select a filter option for item codes to update and enter a filter limit, if applicable.

2.Enter the minimum access level that users must have to access the selected item(s). Access levels range from zero (0) to nine (9).