(Module) > Master Files > (applicable master file) > Catalogs
You can divide the primary Master Files into one or more “catalogs”, each containing a subset of the codes in the entire Master File.
This can be used to simplify searches (you can search within a catalog, which might be easier than searching the entire Master File) or to restrict user access to master file codes (you can “lock” users to a catalog, thereby limiting the codes that they can use).
While the catalog feature is most commonly used with the Item Master File, you can also divide the Supplier, Cost Center and G/L Account Master Files into multiple catalogs.
For Searching
Catalogs can be used to narrow your view of a Master File to make it easier to find codes. For example, it may be easier to find an item in a catalog of, say, 500 items than it would be to find the item if you had to search the entire Item Master File of, say, 5,000 items.
When using the Lookup Feature, you can use the [CHANGE CATALOG] button at the bottom of the Lookup list to select a catalog. Once a catalog is active, you will be searching within the contents of the catalog rather than the entire Master File.
NOTE: While a catalog is active, SpendMap considers the codes in that catalog to be the only codes available. For example, if you try to enter an item, supplier or account code that does not exist in the catalog, you will get a “code not found” error, even though the code may exist somewhere in the Master File.
For Restricting User Access
In the [CATALOGS] folder of the User Master File, you can specify a “default” catalog for each of the primary Master Files. If you do, the user will be restricted to the catalog(s) and will only be able to enter or select the applicable items, suppliers or account codes while using the system.
For example, perhaps each business unit or division has its own list of suppliers, account codes or items and/or cannot access the codes of another business unit.
Restricting user access by catalog can effectively be used to sub-divide or segregate Master File data for different groups of people in your organization.
Catalog Management Screen
This screen is used to manage the catalogs and the contents (codes) within each catalog.
The screen is divided into three parts;
1.At the top of the screen are fields and buttons for adding new catalogs and managing existing catalogs.
2.The middle of the screen shows a list of the master file codes in the selected/active catalog.
3.At the bottom of the screen are buttons to manage the codes in the selected/active catalog.