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SpendMap User Guide (v14.8)

Navigation: Requisitions and Approvals > Purchase Requisitions

Cancel a Processed Purchase Requisition

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REQUISITIONS AND APPROVAL > Purchase Requisition> Cancel a processed requisition

The Cancel Entire Requisition Utility and the Cancel Selected Line Items on Requisition Utility are used to cancel all or part of a PROCESSED Purchase Requisition.

Canceled Reqs can optionally be re-loaded into your Purchase Requisition Work Area to be modified and re-processed, if required.

Purchase Reqs can be canceled up to the point that they are built into POs or RFQs.  After than, you can cancel the applicable PO or RFQ.

If you cancel a Req that was created or requested by another user, they can receive an e-mail notification.

Canceled Reqs will be listed on the System Alert Log.

NOTE: You may be restricted as to which Reqs you can cancel (e.g. you may only be able to cancel your own Reqs, your Cost Center's Reqs, etc.), based on the Document Access setting in the [Permissions] folder of the User Master File.


Questions & Options

1.Enter the Requisition number to be canceled.

2.If you are cancelling individual line items, select the line(s) to be canceled using the Line Item Selection Screen.

3.Reload?  You will have the option of “reloading” the Req (i.e. putting it back into your Req Work Area so that it can be modified and re-processed). You will also have the option to reload into your Work Area or another user’s Work Area.


Requisitions that are NOT reloaded CANNOT be restored once canceled.