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SpendMap User Guide (v14.5)

Navigation: Inventory Control > Utility

View Bulletin Board Messages

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PURCHASING > Utility > Bulletin board messages> View bulletin board messages
(Any optional module) > Utility > View bulletin board messages

This utility displays a list of messages (announcements, notifications) that have been sent to the SpendMap user community using Update Bulletin Board Messages.

Messages would typically be sent by the System Administrator and might include instructions for using the system, procurement policies, important announcements, etc.

When new bulletin board messages are posted, users will  see a link in the Main Menu as well as in the User Task List indicating that new messages exist...


Once you click on the link to enter the Bulletin Board and view the new messages, the prompt/link will disappear. Therefore, when you see the link, it means that there are NEW messages.


Bulletin Board Message Summary Screen

Newer messages will be at the top of the list. Messages that you have not seen before (i.e. did not exist the last time you visited this screen) will be in blue text to draw your attention to them.

To read a message, double click on the line or select [DETAILS]. On the Message Details Screen, an “Attachments Exist” notice will appear under the [ATTACH] button if the message has attachments. To view the list of attachments, click the [ATTACH] button and then select the attachment to view. You must have the appropriate software installed on your computer to view the attachment; note the File Type column.