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SpendMap User Guide (v14.5)

INVENTORY CONTROL > Usages from stock > Reserve stock > Reserve stock

This is used to reserve inventory and immediately reduce the available balance of an item while keeping the item in-stock.

The most common reason for reserving stock is to ensure that the item is available for a future need that is known in advance.

The reserved stock transaction can then be matched to an individual usage when the item is actually removed from inventory or you can load many reserved stock transactions into the Usage Work Area at once.

To reduce the in-stock balance of an item immediately, enter an Inventory Usage instead of reserving stock.

For more details, see About Reserved Stock.

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Reserve Stock Screen

This screen is used to enter the Reserve Stock transaction.

High level inventory status information for the selected item is displayed at the bottom of the screen for your reference. If this is a multi-location item, the inventory balances (e.g. available stock, etc.) will be for the selected location only.

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