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SpendMap User Guide (v14.5)

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION  > Utility > Purge history > Purge closed RFQs

This utility is used to purge closed RFQs from the system, that is, RFQs that have been awarded and built in to POs or Requisitions.
NOTE:  RFQs that are partially closed (i.e. only some but not all line items awarded and built into other documents) will not be purged.  That is, RFQs are not considered "closed" for the purposes of this utility until ALL lines items are closed.


IMPORTANT:  Data that is purged is non-recoverable. If you are purging information that may be required for audit purposes, ensure that the appropriate reports are printed and retained for your records and/or a backup is performed before the data is purged.


Noteworthy Questions & Options

The “up to and including” date refers to the first date that a line item  on the RFQ was closed. Any RFQs closed after the date entered will not be affected by the purge.