Module Overview
The Main (Purchasing) Module is where you manage your Purchase Order, as well as all system-wide utilities for things like setting up users, suppliers, items/parts and other Master Files, reporting tools, system configuration and integration tools, etc.
The Main Module is a prerequisite to all other modules.
SpendMap can automate and streamline many time-consuming Purchase Order management tasks, such as PO creation and status tracking, Change Order management, supplier and item catalog maintenance, etc.
You can eliminate paperwork, save time and increase visibility in your Purchasing Department.
•Purchase Order Processing
•Change Orders, including revision numbering and tracking.
•PO Status tracking and expediting
•Item history tracking and reporting
•Supplier performance
•Budget controls
•Reporting and spend analysis
•User setup and security tools
•Integration tools
•System configuration and maintenance tools.
•Graphical forms with logo and electronic signatures