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SpendMap User Guide (v14.5)

Navigation: Inventory Control > Reports

Item Transaction Summary Report

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PURCHASING > Reports > Item Information > Item transaction summary
(also available in other areas of the system)


This report provides a high-level summary of item transaction history, by date range, for both stock and non-stock items in the Item Master File. The summary includes the minimum, maximum, total and average transaction quantity during the specified date range, as well as the average transaction quantity per week, month and year.

The summary can be helpful for high-level transaction volume analysis.

You can select ONE of the following transaction types for the report:  purchases, unit price history, receipts, usages, transfers, adjustments or scrap . For non-stock items, only purchase, price and receipt transactions apply.

If you maintain multiple stock locations, the report can be filtered to only include transactions at one or more locations.  

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