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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Purchasing (Main Module) > Utility > Data Interfaces

Import Barcodes into Item Master File

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PURCHASING > Utility > Data Interfaces > Item master file > Barcodes > Import barcodes into item master file


This utility is used to import supplier UPC barcode numbers into the [Barcode] folder of the Item Master File.

Any Item codes that you import with this utility must already exist in the Item Master File.

SPECIAL NOTE: Unlike other master file imports that only overwrite fields that are imported but leave existing fields intact if the field is not imported, this import will clear/purge any existing supplier UPC barcodes (for any items that are imported).  Therefore, if an item is included in the import, you must import barcode numbers for ALL applicable suppliers (who offer UPC codes).

To import barcode numbers for multiple suppliers for the same item, simply include multiple records in the import file, one for each supplier, with the same item code.