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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Reports > Cost Center information > Cost center budget status


This report lists the status of Cost Center budgets, including amount charged to date and amount remaining in the budget.

The Budgeted Amounts on the report come from the Cost Center Master File, while the Charged and Committed values are calculated automatically (real-time) as new Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Invoices, and other transactions are processed in SpendMap.


Noteworthy Questions & Options

You can generate a report based on Overall Budget or Time-Based Budgets, both of which can optionally be set up on a cost-center-by-cost-center basis.

When running the report based on Time-Based Budgets, you will be prompted to select a fiscal period to include on the report.   You can create new fiscal periods in Cost Center History/Budget Settings.

You can include or exclude Cost Centers that have no established budgets.  You may want to include Cost Centers without established budgets in order to see the applicable charges to those Cost Centers (if permitted in the system's settings, they may have spent money even if you're not tracking budgets to those Cost Centers), while excluding Cost Centers with no established budgets will make the report shorter/cleaner if some of your Cost Centers don't have budgets assigned to them.

You can select [BUDGET USED] or [BUDGET REMAINING], which will determine what shows for the right-most column on the report (% of budget used or % of budget remaining).

You can include or exclude Cost Centers that have not used any of their budgets yet.  If you're only interested in reporting on Cost Centers that have started consuming their budgets, excluding these Cost Centers will make the report shorter/cleaner.

You can optional include the transaction details that went into calculating the Committed and Charged amounts on the report, that is, the list POs, Requisitions, Invoices and other transactions that hit each budget line.