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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Purchase Orders > Cancel a processed PO

The Cancel Entire PO Utility and the Cancel Selected PO Lines Utility are used to cancel all or part of a processed Purchase Order.

You will not be able to cancel an individual PO line item that has related transactions processed against it (e.g. receipts, invoices, etc.). However, you can cancel the entire PO even if related transactions exist, in which case all related transactions will be canceled (reversed) as well.

Canceled POs can optionally be re-loaded into your PO Work Area to be modified and re-processed, if required.

POs can only be canceled until they are closed and Archived.

NOTE: You may be restricted as to which POs you can cancel (e.g. you may only be able to cancel your own POs, your Cost Center's POs, etc.), based on the Document Access setting in the [Permissions] folder of the User Master File.

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hmtoggle_arrow0        Notifying the supplier or other users

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Questions & Options

TIP for System Administrators: You may want to default/lock some of the options/prompts listed below. For example, for #3, you may not want to permit canceling of a PO once related transactions have been processed. If so, you can default one or many of these options and/or restrict access to the available buttons in the prompts.

1.Enter the PO number to be canceled.

2.If you are cancelling individual PO line items, select the line(s) to be canceled.

3.If cancelling an entire PO that has related transactions processed against it (e.g. receipts, invoices, etc.), you will be prompted to confirm that those transactions will be canceled as well.

4.You will have the option of “reloading” the PO (i.e. putting it back into your PO Work Area so that it can be modified and re-processed).
Purchase Orders that are NOT reloaded CANNOT be restored.
If you are using the Requisitioning Module, you will have the option of reloading the PO into your Purchase Requisition Work Area, otherwise your only option will be to reload into your PO Work Area.
You will also have the option to reload into your Work Area or another user’s Work Area.
Finally, if reloading as a PO, you can use same (old) PO number that is being canceled or a new (the next available) PO number. If you use the same PO number, you will also have the option of considering the PO as a revision, that is, to reprocess it as a Change Order.

5.If you are monitoring Supplier Performance, you have the option of penalizing the supplier for this cancellation. It will be included in the number of canceled POs for the supplier. If the PO were being canceled for internal reasons (e.g., the buyer made a mistake) as opposed to being the fault of the supplier, you would generally not penalize the supplier’s performance for the cancellation.