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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Reports > User information > Buyer Performance


This report lists high level purchasing activity/performance statistics for one or more Buyers.

The information in this utility is updated automatically as POs are processed.


Noteworthy Questions & Options

The date range will default based on the "number of months" setting in Buyer Performance Settings but any date range can be used for the report

You can optionally filter the report to only include certain buyers/users.  The filter option "Buyers only" refers to users that are defined as Buyers with the setting "Requisition buyer routing (Is this a buyer?)", in the [Settings] folder of the User Master File.  
Note: Regardless of the filter that is chosen, the performance statistics (most notably, Buyer Averages) are calculated based on ALL users who previously processed purchase orders, not just those that appear on the report based on the selected filter.