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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Invoice Approval > Invoices

Auto-Match Invoices Missing Receipts

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INVOICE APPROVAL > Invoices > Auto-match invoices missing receipts


This is used to match open receipt transactions to “missing-receipt” invoices (i.e. invoices you have entered before the corresponding receipts) in your Invoice Work Area or all users’ Work Areas.

For details, see Invoices Missing Receipts.

This utility will attempt to find matching open receipts for all missing-receipt invoices in your Work Area. You can also match receipts to missing-receipt invoices individually in your Work Area but this utility will be faster if there are a large number of these transactions to match.

This utility will match the missing-receipt invoice to a receipt when:

There is only one possible match (i.e. only one applicable receipt to choose from)

Same PO line

Same quantity

Same account coding (G/L Account, Cost Center, Project and Job).

If more than one Receipt matches an Invoice, you must match the transactions manually in your Work Area since SpendMap has no way to determine the correct receipt to match to the invoice.

The utility saves time over manually/individually matching the transactions but produces the same results. Once matched, the invoices will be ready for processing.

TIP: This utility can be run unattended periodically so that invoices will be ready for processing as soon as the related receipts are processed.