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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

ASSET MANAGEMENT > Reports > Asset reports > Asset warranty expiry

This report lists assets whose warranties have expired or are about to expire.

Warranty details can be entered for each asset in the [WARRANTY] Folder in the Asset Master File.

Noteworthy Questions & Options

The last option on the Report Filter allows you to "Enter expiration date/percent to consider for report".  This option allows you to be proactive and list assets on the report even before their warranties have actually expired.
DATE FIELD:  All assets whose warranties will expire as of the date entered will be included on the report.  To list assets whose warranties have already expired, enter the current date.
PERCENT FIELD:  For assets whose warranties expire based on a Life Unit of Measure (e.g. miles, cycles, copies, etc.), you can optionally enter a "safety factor percentage" to apply to the current meter readings of assets.  For example, if an asset had a current meter reading of 50,000 miles and a 10% safety factor was applied, the meter reading of the asset would be considered to be 55,000 for the purposes of this report.  The safety factor allows you to list assets whose life units warranties are approaching expiry.  To list assets whose life units warranties have already expired, enter zero (0.00).