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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

ASSET MANAGEMENT > Reports > Asset reports > Asset valuation

This report lists the depreciated/current value and replacement cost of your assets.

Depreciation is calculated using both the Straight-Line and Declining Balance methods.  Note the two columns on the report.  The depreciation rate can be specified for each asset in the [PO/VALUE] Folder of the Asset Master File or at the time of running the report (for any assets that don't have a depreciate rate specified).

Depreciation is calculated based on the current age of assets.  For assets whose age is measured in time (e.g. years, months, days, etc.) the system will calculate the age of the assets automatically based on the delivery date of each asset compared to the date of the report.  For assets whose age is not measured in time (e.g. miles, cycles, copies, etc.), ensure that the age of the assets is recorded with Record Meter Reading before printing the report.  The last/current meter reading shows on the report in the AGE column and the date that the meter reading was taken shows under the asset's dollar value.

Replacement cost of assets is calculated using the rate of inflation that you can specify when running the report.

Noteworthy Questions & Options

The date range filter refers to the date that the asset was delivered/received, as specified in [PO/VALUE] Folder of the Asset Master File.

The date for asset valuation/depreciation is usually the date that the report is run but you can enter a different date if needed.

The inflation rate will be used to calculate replacement cost.  For example, at 2% inflation, a $100 asset would cost $102 to replace one year later.

Default depreciate rate is the rate use to calculate depreciation for any asset that doesn't have a rate specified in the [PO/VALUE] Folder of the Asset Master File.